It is not licit for Catholics to attend Mass or to receive sacraments at churches that are identified as schismatic, for the Roman Catholic Church does not recognize them as valid. In order to be Roman Catholic, a church must be in union with the Holy Father, the successor of St. Peter, and the local bishop of the diocese. There are currently 23 churches or organizations operating in the State of New Mexico that do not accept the Holy Father or meet this criteria. The Most Reverend John C. Wester, Archbishop of Santa Fe, has not appointed any pastors or priests to these churches, communities or organizations. Click List of Schismatic Churches & Organizations that ARE NOT in line with the Roman Catholic Church and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. If you received a sacrament from any of these churches or organizations the sacrament is not valid in the eyes of the Roman Catholic Church and will prevent you from celebrating the rest of the Sacraments such as First Communion, Confirmation, and Marriage in the Roman Catholic Church. For example, if you were baptised at the Holy Spirit Catholic Cathedral in Barelas, your baptism is invalid because it is identified as a schismatic church not in line with the Roman Catholic Church and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. For more information, contact the parish office and make an appointment with Father Vincent Chávez or Rosa de Aragón, Director of Religious Education and Faith Formation of Children, Adults and Families at Saint Therese Parish.